PLAYSTOPENTERRECORD DISCMENURETURNTITLESETUPA-BREPEATSEARCH MODECLEARMODE ANGLESUBTITLEAUDIODISPLAYSPEED C.RESETPOWER PICTURE SELECTSLEEPCH.VOL.MUTEZOOM1 2 34 5 67 8 90 +10+100REPEATSLEEP ButtonPress to set the Sleep Timer.Details are on page 40.SELECT ButtonPress to choose TV/VCR orDVD mode. The correspondinglight will appear on the front ofthe TV/VCR/DVD to indicatewhich mode is active. Details areon page 16.PLAY B ButtonPress to start playing a Disc orvideo cassette. Details are onpages 12-13.G / gButtonDuring Disc playback, pressbriefly to skip to the next Trackor Chapter. Details are on pages50 and 52.Or, press and hold for two sec-onds to search forward duringDisc playback. Details are on page49.During videotape playback, pressto search forward. Details are onpage 37. Or, press when play-back is stopped to fast forward avideotape.STOP C ButtonPress to stop Disc or videotapeplayback.Arrow ButtonsUse the Arrow buttons to selector adjust menu items.RETURN ButtonPress to go to the previousSetup menu in DVD mode. Pressto remove some menus or dis-plays.REPEAT ButtonPress to play a Disc, Title,Chapter, or Track repeatedly.Details are on page 54.ENTER ButtonPress to accept or confirm amenu setting.14 Remote Control ButtonsPICTURE ButtonPress to access the picture con-trols. Details are on page 24.POWER ButtonPress to turn on or off theTV/VCR/DVD.Number ButtonsTV Mode: Press two digits toaccess a specific channel. Press 0before the number of a singledigit channel.Details are on page 11.+100/+10 button: To selectchannels 100 or higher, press+100/+10, then the Number but-tons of the last two digits of thechannel number.DVD Mode: Use the Numberbuttons to enter a Track orChapter number.+100/+10 button: Press beforeentering double-digit numbers.For example, to select Chapter16, press +100/+10, then 1, 6.k (pause) ButtonPress to pause videotape record-ing. Press again to resumerecording. Details are on page 25.Press to pause videotape orDVD playback. Press repeatedlyto advance the picture one frameat a time. Details are on pages 37and 53.RECORD ButtonPress once to start a recording.Details are on page 25.DISPLAY ButtonTV/VCR Mode: Press to seethe tape counter, channel, ortime on the screen. Details are onpage 24.DVD Mode: Press to see theDisc status on the screen. Detailsare on page 69.TITLE ButtonPress to access a DVD’s Titlemenu if available. Details are onpage 48.