8Hood set (optional accessory)12003722When you wish to maintain clean operations througheasy dust collection, connect the vacuum cleaner to theplaner using this hood. Attach the hood holder to thehood and secure with the screws.Loosen the thumb screws which secure the chip cover.Attach the hood to the planer and secure the chip coverand the hood together by tightening the thumb screws.123003723Planer stand (optional accessory)Place the stays on a level location and assemble the legsinside. Secure with the cap square neck bolts, springwashers and hex nuts, then attach the rubber caps to theends of the legs.123456789003719Now set the planer on the top of the assembled standand secure with the four hex bolts, flat washers and hexnuts.2341003720NOTE:• Insert the hex bolts through the holes from thereverse side of the stand and secure them with theflat washers and hex nuts. If you insert the hex boltsfrom above the planer base, the hex bolts cannotbe firmly secured.The planer stand should be bolted with the four bolts tothe floor using the bolt holes provided in the legs.1003721OPERATIONCAUTION:• Two or more pieces of narrow but similar thicknessstock can be passed through the planer side byside. However, allow some spacing between thestock to permit the feed rollers to grip the thinnestpiece of stock. Otherwise, a slightly thinner piececould be kicked back by the cutterhead.003724Place the workpiece flat on the table top.Determine the depth of cut as described before.Switch on the tool and wait until the blades attain fullspeed. The workpiece should not be in contact with thefeed roller when you turn the tool on.Then insert the workpiece flush with the table top.1. Bolt1. Hex bolt2. Hex nut3. Flat washer4. Hex bolt1. Rubber cap2. Stay (B)3. Stay (A)4. Leg5. Stay (A)6. Cap square neckbolt7. Spring washer8. Hex nut9. Leg1. Chip cover2. Thumb screw3. Hood1. Hood2. Hood holder