I IFront flush cutsLoosen the bolt on the back of the basewith the hex wrench, then slide the basebackwards. Check the contact between theback edge of the blade and the roller, thensecure the bolt.Plunge cuttingStarting a cut a t other than the edge of theworkpiece without first drilling a startinghole requires a "plunge cut". This can beaccomplished by tipping the tool forwarduntil the front end of the base rests againstthe workpiece. Switch the tool on andlower the back end of the tool slowly,gradually allowing the blade to saw throughthe workpiece until the base i s able to s i tflat on the workpiece. You may then pro-ceed forward with the cut in a normalmanner.If using a drill for a starting hole, bore ahole over 12 mm (1/2") in diameter. Theninsert the blade in it and proceed.Finishing edgesTo trim edges or make dimensional adjust-ments run the blade lightly along the cutedges.For smoother cutting of plywood or otherworkpieces with easily splintered surfaces,transparent tape may be used over yourcutting line.10