Chapter 1 - Basic info 67Chapter 6 - Exposure Modesexposure compensationIn some situations, such as a great difference between the subject and background brightness oroverall subject tones that will not meter correctly because they are all black or white, the resultingphotograph may be under- or overexposed. When this occurs, use the exposure compensationfunction. Exposure compensation can also be used in order to intentionally create overexposed orunderexposed pictures. Exposure compensation is also possible during AE lock. The shutter speed changes with exposure compensation in manual mode ("M").Display of the exposure compensation of the viewfinder LCD(When a Metz flash is not equipped.)1. When exposure compensationbutton is pressed, appears onthe external LCD. When the front orrear dial is turned counterclockwise,the exposure is increased; conversely,when it is turned clockwise, itis decreased. The exposurecompensation value can be checkedon the external LCD or LCD inside theviewfinder.2. After taking the pictures, pressexposure compensation button againto return the exposure compensationvalue to 0. The exposure compensationvalue mark on the external LCDis cleared, and the exposurecompensation function is released.PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3AExposure mode Exposure compensation displayP Program AEThe set value is displayed.Av Aperture Priority AETv Shutter Priority AEM Manual Mode The difference between the metered value andthe set exposure value is displayed.X Synchro Mode Not displayed.