Chapter 1 - Basic info 75interval photoGraphyChapter 6 - Exposure ModesBy repeated turning, the interval time can be set automatically. It can be set to suit scenes suchas cloud movement or views of insects in action. Repeat turning (according to the number of times) will lead to a countdown appearingin the display.1. Ensure the camera is firmly securedon a sturdy tripod.2. Hold and press the interval buttonfor the interval mode.3. Turn the front dial to display intervalmode as “On”.4. Turn the rear dial to set the intervaltime. Settings include 0 seconds(no interval time), 1 to 10 seconds(increased by the second), 10 to 90seconds (increased in units of 10), 2 to10 minutes (increased by the minute)or 10 to 60 minutes (increased in unitsof 10 minutes per turn).5. Turn the front dial to the repeatmode “rP”.6. Turn the rear dial and choose yourpreferred duration by turning. Settingscan be made from 2 to 10 (in singleunits), 10 to 60 (in units of 10) or forlimitless (“On”).7. Check the focus and framing in theviewfinder then press the shutter forthe shutter to be released.PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3