Chapter 1 - Basic info 70Chapter 6 - Exposure Modesauto bracketinG modeWhen in situations where it is difficult to determine the best exposure compensation, it is advisableto change the exposure setting gradually (from normal to under and over). Continuous turning upof the values eventually leads to auto bracketing. After multiple turns, the mark “RP” will appear in the main LCD. Repeat turning will lead to a countdown being displayed on the main LCD and after taking aphoto the camera will return to auto bracketing mode.1. Turn the shutter release modeselector lever to the “S” or “C”position.When set at the “S” position, one framecan be shot with each press of theshutter release button. In the “C” mode,the camera takes three (or two) framessuccessively with one press of the shutterrelease button.2. By pressing the auto bracketingbutton, auto bracketing mode isselected.In the main LCD, the auto bracketing markwill flash on and off. As it is flashing, turnthe frontdial to “On”.3. By further turning, more values canbe selected.The rear dial can also be used for setting.From 1 to 10 turns the value increases insingle units, while 10 to 60 turns meansincreases by units of 10. “On” allowsunlimited values to be set.PAvTvMXCFC1C2C3APAvTvMXCFC1C2C3