Part Number 000017556 Rev 00 9/22 13Location RequirementsThe location selected for the ice machinehead section must meet the followingcriteria. If any of these criteria are not met,select another location.• The location must be indoors, and free ofairborne and other contaminants.• The location must not be nearheat‑generating equipment or in directsunlight and must be protected fromweather.• The location must allow enoughclearance for water, drain, and electricalconnections in the rear of the icemachine• The location must not obstruct air flowthrough or around the ice machine.Refer to the chart for clearancerequirements.• The location must be capable ofsupporting the weight of the icemachine, bin and a full bin of ice.• Local water conditions may requiretreatment of the water to inhibit scaleformation, filter sediment, and removechlorine odor and taste.• The ice machine and bin must be level.Installation RequirementsHead Sections• Vent the ice machine and bin drainsseparately.• The ice machine and bin must bede‑scaled and sanitized after installation.• The drain line must contain a union orother suitable means of disconnection atthe ice machine.QuietQube® Models Only• The ice machine top panel can betrimmed with an aviator snips to allowthe line set, water line and electricalconnections to exit the top. Only cut outwhat is needed, the back panel mustsupport the top panel.• The water inlet and electrical connectionmust contain a service loop to allowfuture access.Condensing Unit (CVD)• The location must not allow exhaustfan heat and/or grease to enter thecondenser.• The location must not obstruct airflowthrough or around the condensing unit.Section 2Installation