Part Number 000017556 Rev 00 9/22 29Ice Making Sequence of OperationNOTE: The toggle switch must be in the iceposition and the water curtain/ice dampersmust be in place on the evaporator beforethe ice machine will start.Water Purge CycleThe ice machine purges any remainingwater from the water trough down thedrain.Freeze CycleWater flows across the evaporator and therefrigeration system chills the evaporator.Ice builds on the evaporator and the freezecycle continues until the ice thicknessprobe senses a sheet of ice has formed.The ice thickness probe signals the controlboard to start a harvest.Harvest CycleAny remaining water is purged downthe drain as refrigerant gas warms theevaporator. When the evaporator warms,the sheet of cubes slides off the evaporatorand into the storage bin. If all cubes fallclear of the water curtain (or ice damper)the ice machine starts another freeze cycle.OFF CycleIf the water curtain or ice damper are heldopen by ice cubes the ice machine shutsoff. When the water curtain or ice dampercloses, the ice machine starts a new cycle atthe water purge.Control Board TimersThe control board has the followingnon‑adjustable timers:• The ice machine is locked into the freezecycle for 6 minutes before a harvest cyclecan be initiated. Freeze lock is bypassedafter moving the toggle switch from OFFto ICE position for the first cycle only.• The maximum freeze time is 60minutes at which time the controlboard automatically initiates a harvestsequence.• The maximum harvest time is 7 minutesfor multiple evaporator model. Thecontrol board automatically initiates afreeze sequence when these times areexceeded.Section 3Operation