Part Number 000017556 Rev 00 9/22 35Section 4 MaintenanceStep 6 Mix a solution of de-scaler andwarm water. Depending upon the amountof mineral buildup, a larger quantity ofsolution may be required. Use the ratio inthe table below to mix enough solution tothoroughly clean all parts.SolutionType Water Mixed WithDe-scaler 1 gal (4 L)16 oz(475 ml)De-scalerStep 7 Use half of the de-scaler/watermixture to de-scale all components.The de-scaler solution will foam when itcontacts lime scale and mineral deposits;once the foaming stops use a soft-bristlenylon brush, sponge or cloth (NOT a wirebrush) to carefully de-scale the parts. Soakparts for 5 minutes (15 - 20 minutes forheavily scaled parts). Rinse all componentswith clean water.Step 8 While components are soaking,use half of the de-scaler/water solutionto de-scale all foodzone surfaces of theice machine and bin. Use a nylon brush orcloth to thoroughly de-scale the followingice machine areas:• Side walls• Base (area above water trough)• Evaporator plastic parts - includingtop, bottom, and sides• BinStep 9 Rinse all areas thoroughly withclean water.Detailed Sanitizing ProcedureStep 1 Mix a solution of sanitizer andwarm water.SolutionType Water Mixed WithSanitizer 6 gal (22 L)4 oz(120 ml)SanitizerStep 2 Use half of the sanitizer/water solution to sanitize all removedcomponents. Use a spray bottle, cloth, orsponge to liberally apply the solution toall surfaces of the removed parts. Or soakthe removed parts in the sanitizer/watersolution. Do not rinse parts after sanitizing.Step 3 Use half of the sanitizer/watersolution to sanitize all foodzone surfaces ofthe ice machine and bin (or dispenser). Usea spray bottle, cloth, or sponge to liberallyapply the solution. When sanitizing, payparticular attention to the following areas:• Side walls• Base (area above water trough)• Evaporator plastic parts - includingtop, bottom and sides• BinDo not rinse sanitized areas.Step 4 Replace all removed components.Step 5 Wait 20 minutes.Step 6 Reapply power to the ice machineand place the toggle switch in the CLEANposition.