AMPLIFIER SETUPIf the surround back speakers are not used in the main zone, their surround back amplifier channelscould be assigned for Main back, Main Front (Bi-Amp) and multi-zone use.The Surround Back amplifier is configurable through the following settings• Main Back: Assign as surround back speakers.• Main Front (Bi-Amp): Provide a bi-amp mode for the Main Front speakers (Left and Right)speakers thus reproducing the Front Left and Front Right amplifier channel outputs.• Zone 2: Assign the surround back amplifier channels to supply Zone 2 speaker level outputs fromthe surround back speaker terminals.• Zone 3: Assign the surround back amplifier channels to supply Zone 3 speaker level outputs fromthe surround back speaker terminals.• Zone 4: Assign the surround back amplifier channels to supply Zone 4 speaker level outputs fromthe surround back speaker terminals.TRIGGER SETUPThe T 785 features three configurable +12V DC Trigger Output that can be used to activate acomponent or system it is fed into. A Trigger Input is also available to turn on the applicable link it isassociated to. Use a combination of [ ] or ENTER and [ ] keys to navigate through the TriggerSetup menu parameters.TRIGGER OUTTriggers are low voltage signals used to turn on/off other compliant devices. The T 785’s three +12V DCTrigger Outputs (Trigger 1 Out, Trigger 2 Out and Trigger 3 Out) are dependent on which mode theyare associated with. There are six choices where +12V DC output can be assigned and these are – Main,Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 2+3+4 and Source Setup.Main: +12V DC is available at the assigned Trigger Out when the T 785 is at powered state.Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 2+3+4: When the applicable Zone is at powered state, +1 2V DCis available at the assigned Trigger Out.Source Setup: If Trigger Output is linked to “Source Setup”, +12V DC is available at Trigger Outwhenever the particularly assigned Source is selected. Please see also separate discussion about“TRIGGER OUT” under the “SOURCE SETUP (NORMAL VIEW)” section.DELAYThe availability of +12V DC at Trigger OUT can be regulated. If it is desired that +12V DC is availablewithout delay the moment Trigger OUT is linked to its assigned setting, set Delay to 0s. Otherwise, onecan select through a delay time of 1s to 15s.AUTO TRIGGER INAuto Trigger IN allows external system controllers to toggle the associated section of the T 785 from“Standby” to “On” and vice versa. When the TRIGGER switch at the rear panel is set to ON, a +12V DCinput at Trigger IN will power ON the section where Trigger IN is assigned,Main: From standby mode, the T 785 is powered ON when +12V DC is applied at Trigger IN.Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4: Applicable Zone is turned ON whenever +1 2V DC is present at Trigger IN.All: Main, Zone 2, Zone 3 and Zone 4 as described above will all be activated given a +12V DC input atTrigger IN.WARNINGIf Auto Trigger IN at Trigger Setup menu is assigned to “Main” or “All” and the TRIGGER switch is setto “AUTO” mode, the Power button in the front panel as well as the corresponding ON/OFF functionkeys in the HTRC 1 remote control will be disabled effectively handing this function to an externalcontroller. Switch TRIGGER to “OFF” to maintain normal power ON/OFF function procedures.See also item “12. +12 V TRIGGER OUT, TRIGGER IN, TRIGGER AUTO/OFF” of REAR PANEL discussion aswell as the “TRIGGER OUT” discussion under “SOURCE SETUP (NORMAL VIEW)”.OPERATIONUSING THE T 785 –SETUP MENU5ENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANODEUTSCHNEDERLANDSSVENSKAРУССКИЙ