Chapter 6: Commands 7197 Owner’s GuideFebruary 200286Vertical Positioning and Print CommandsThe vertical positioning and print commands control the vertical print positions ofcharacters on the receipt.Print and Feed Paper One LineASCII: LFHexadecimal: 0ADecimal: 10Prints one line from the buffer and feeds paper one line.Example:• MSComm1.Output = Chr$(&H0A)Related Information:Carriage Return + Line Feed, prints and feeds only one line.Print and Carriage ReturnASCII: CRHexadecimal: 0DDecimal: 13Prints one line from the buffer and feeds paper one line. The printer can be set through theconfiguration menu to ignore or use this command. Some applications expect thecommand to be ignored while others use it as print command.• Example:• MSComm1.Output = Chr$(&H0D)Related Information:See Ignoring/Using the Carriage Return in Diagnostics for more information.Carriage Return + Line Feed, prints and feeds only one line.