Chapter 6: Commands 7197 Owner’s GuideFebruary 200292Horizontal Positioning CommandsThe horizontal positioning commands control the horizontal print positions of characterson the receipt.Horizontal TabASCII: HTHexadecimal: 09Decimal: 9Moves the print position to the next tab position set by the Set Horizontal Tab Positions(1B 44 n1 n2 ... 00) command. The print position is reset to column one after each line.Tab treats the left margin as column one, therefore changes to the left margin will movethe tab positions.When there are no tabs defined to the right of the current position, or if the next tab is pastthe right margin, line feed is executed . HT has no effect in page mode. Printerinitialization sets 32 tabs at column 9, 17, 25, … (Every 8 characters)Example:• MSComm1.Output = Chr$(&H09)Set ColumnASCII: ESC DC4 nHexadecimal: 1B 14 nDecimal: 27 20 nValue of n: 1-44 (Standard, 80 mm) 1-32 (Standard, 58 mm)1-56 (Compressed, 80mm)1-42 (Compressed, 58 mm)Default of n: 1Prints the first character of the next print line in column n. It must be sent for each line notprinted at column one. The value of n is set to one after each line.Example:• MSComm1.Output = Chr$(&H1B) & Chr$(&H14) & Chr$(n)Exceptions:The command cannot be used with Single- or Double-Density graphics.