Setup Utility 2-15 Hard DriveThis option enables or disables hard drive power down. Your choices are“Enabled” (default) or “Disabled.” VESA Video Power DownThis option sets the monitor’s power management mode. Your choices are“Disabled,” “Standby” (default), “Suspend,” or “Sleep.”Press the right arrow (cursor) key to move to the Boot Menu.BOOT MENUThe Boot Menu can be used to adjust the system’s boot features. The Boot Menu featuresthe following options: Restore on AC/Power LossThis option specifies how the system responds to power restoration after anunexpected power loss. The options are “Stay Off” (default) which keeps thepower off until the system’s power button is pressed, “Power On” which restoresthe system’s power, and “Last State” which restores the previous power state. On Modem RingThis option sets whether or not the modem powers up on boot or remains offuntil manually activated. The options are “Stay Off” and “Power On” (default). Scan User Flash AreaThis feature enables or disables automatic scanning of the user flash area onbootup. “Disabled” is the default. First/Second/Third/Fourth Boot DeviceYou can select the sequence of boot devices by type. Pressing your keyboard’s +(plus) or – (minus) key allows you to select the order. For maximum systemaccessibility, Removable Device should always be set as the First Boot Device.