3-16 Windows Setup6. When the following message appears, read it and press Enter.This program will delete all existing files on the system drive,and install Windows Server 2003.After which required NEC Express server software will be installed.Note - BIOS "Boot Monitoring" configuration must be set to "Disable"Please refer to the User's Guide for details.Note - This program will automatically reboot the system.Leave the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.Warning - Be sure to back up all data on the system drive before proceeding.Press “Enter” to continue or CTRL-C to abort and exit to DOSThe message below appears and the disk is initialized.While this message is being displayed, the disk is being initialized. Please wait.Starting the Express5800/ft series clear installationinitializing a disk...When the disk initialization is complete, the NEC Express5800/ft series automatically restarts.After the NEC Express5800/ft series is restarted, the following message appears and startsformatting the hard disk drive:.CHECK The message “The system will be rebooted.” appears on the screen momentarily. Theserver will restart automatically so do not perform any operations.Installing required software ...Formatting drive...FORMAT v7.10 (Revision4.11.1364)Copyright(c) 1989-2002 Datalight, Inc.Formatting 3.07GXX percent complete.