English-24TagA Tile Matrix The Tile Matrix feature allows one image to be displayed over multiple screens. Thisfeature can be used with up to 25 monitors (5 vertical and 5 horizontal). Using Tile Matrixrequires the PC output signal be sent through a distribution amplifier to each individualmonitor.ENABLE: Select “ON”, the monitor will expand the selected position.H MONITOR: Select the number of horizontal displays.V MONITOR: Select the number of vertical displays.MONITOR No: Select a position to expand the screen.TILE COMP: Works in tandem with Tile Matrix to compensate for the width of the tilebezels in order to accurately display the image.Tile Comp with 4 monitors (black area shows monitor frames):TagB Date & Time Sets the current date and time for internal clock. Date and Time must be set in order forthe SCHEDULE function to work.Daylight Saving: For those timezones where Daylight Saving Time (Summertime)is observed.TagC Schedule Programs the monitor’s working schedule. Schedule the power on and power off with hourand a day of the week. Also sets the input port. This OSD can’t remove except EXIT.Using the “SCHEDULE” function allows you to set up to seven different scheduled timeintervals when the LCD Monitor will be activated.You can select the time the monitor turns on and turns off, the day of week the monitor isactivated, and which input source the monitor will use for each scheduled activationperiod. A check mark in the box next to the number of the schedule indicates that theselected schedule is in effect.To select which schedule to set, use the up/down arrows to move the cursor verticallyunder the number (1 to 7) of the schedule.Use the “Down” or “Up” buttons to move the cursor horizontally within the particularschedule. The “SELECT” button is used to make a selection.If you create a schedule but do not want to use a power on time, select “--” in the “ON”time slot.If you do not want to use a power off time select “--” in the OFF time slot.If there is no input selected (“-----” showing in the input spot) the input from the previousschedule will be used.The selection of EVERY DAY within a schedule takes priority over other schedules thatare set up to operate weekly.Schedules are numbered 1-7. If two schedules are programmed for the same time, thenthe highest numbered schedule has priority. For example schedule #7 will take priorityover schedule #5.When schedules are overlapping, scheduled Power ON time has priority over scheduledPower OFF time.When the “OFF TIMER” is set, the “SCHEDULE” function is disabled.Before powering off, a message will appear on the screen asking the user if they want todelay the turn off time by 60 minutes. Press any OSD button to delay the turn off time.TagD Eco Mode Information Displays the estimated power saving information in watt-hours.TagE Information Provides information about the current display resolution Technical data, including thepreset timing currently being used and the horizontal and vertical frequencies is alsodisplayed.Note: When connected to digital input, the OSD will show either DIGITAL(D) if a dual linksignal is detected or DIGITAL(S) if a single link signal is detected.monitor1 monitor2monitor3 monitor4monitor1 monitor2monitor3 monitor4Tile Comp ONTile Comp OFF