25Tag AcontinuedTILE MATRIXcontinuedTILECOMP: Works in tandem with “TILE MATRIX” to compensatefor the bezel width of the tiled monitors in order to accuratelydisplay the image.TileComp using 4 monitors (black area shows monitor frames).The EXPANSION mode will be set to “FULL” when the “TILEMATRIX” is activated.Tag B DATE & TIME Sets the current date and time for the internal clock.Date and Time has to be set in order for the “SCHEDULE”feature to work properly.Tag C SCHEDULE Programs the monitor’s working schedule. Sets the hour andday of the week when the monitor powers on or off. Also setsthe input port. Select “EXIT” to set schedule.Using the “SCHEDULE” function allows you to set up to sevendifferent scheduled time intervals when the LCD Monitor willbe activated. You can select the time the monitor turns on andturns off, the day of week the monitor is activated, and whichinput source the monitor will use for each scheduled activationperiod. A check mark in the box next to the number of theschedule indicates that the selected schedule is in effect. Toselect which schedule to set, use the up/down arrows to movethe cursor vertically to select a schedule (1 to 7) to be set. Usethe “down” or “up” buttons to move the red bar horizontallywithin the particular schedule. The “SELECT” button is used tomake a selection . If you create a schedule but do not want touse a power on time, select “--” in the “ON” time slot. If you donot want to use a power off time select “--” in the OFF time slot.If there is no input selected (“-----” showing in the input spot) theinput from the previous schedule will be used. SelectingEVERY DAY within a schedule takes priority over other sched-ules that are set up to operate weekly.Schedules are numbered 1-7. If two schedules are programmedfor the same time, then the highest numbered schedule has pri-ority. For example schedule #7 will take priority over schedule#5. When schedules are overlapping, a scheduled Power ONtime has priority over a scheduled Power OFF time.When the “OFF TIMER” (see page 21) is set, the “SCHEDULE”function is disabled.Advanced OSM Controls - continuedmonitor1 monitor2monitor3 monitor4monitor1 monitor2monitor3 monitor4TileComp OFF TileComp ON