English-21EnglishAdjust the tint of the screen.Press + button to Skin colour becomes greenish.Press - button to Skin colour becomes purplish.Adjust the colour depth of the screen.Press + button to increase colour depth.Press - button to decrease colour depth.R, Y, G, C, B, M, S: Increases or decreases Red, Yellow,Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta and Saturation dependingupon which is selected. The change in colour will appearon screen and the direction (increase or decrease) will beshown by the colour bars.NOTE: sRGB picture mode is standard and cannot bechanged.To adjust the colour temperature of entire screen.Adjusting lower colour temperature makes the screenreddish and higher colour temperature makes the screenbluish.NOTE: sRGB picture mode is standard and cannot bechanged.Selecting Picture reset allows you to reset all OSMsettings about PICTURE setting.Select “Yes” and press “SET” button to restore to factorypreset data.Press “EXIT” button to cancel and then return to theprevious menu.TINT*:INPUT DVD/HD, VIDEO onlyCOLOR*:INPUT DVD/HD, VIDEO onlyCOLOR CONTROL*:INPUT RGB1,2,3 onlyCOLORTEMPERATUREPICTURE RESETPICTUREBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTSHARPNESSBLACK LEVELCOLOR CONTROLCOLOR TEMPERATUREPICTURE RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXITPICTURE RESET:RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUNOYES:SEL EXITPICTUREBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTSHARPNESSBLACK LEVELCOLOR CONTROLCOLOR TEMPERATUREPICTURE RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU9600KCOLOR TEMPERATUREEXITPICTUREBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTSHARPNESSBLACK LEVELCOLOR CONTROLCOLOR TEMPERATUREPICTURE RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT + -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUCOLOR CONTROLRYGCBMS0000000EXIT:SELPICTUREBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTSHARPNESSTINTCOLORBLACK LEVELNOISE REDUCTION:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU32COLOREXITPICTUREBRIGHTNESSCONTRASTSHARPNESSTINTCOLORBLACK LEVELNOISE REDUCTION:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU32TINTEXITMain-MenuSCREENSub-MenuControls Horizontal Image position within the displayarea of the LCD.Press + button to move screen to right.Press - button to move screen to left.Controls Vertical Image position within the displayarea of the LCD.Press + button to move screen to UP.Press - button to move screen to DOWN.Press + button to expand the width of the image onthe screen to the right.Press - button to narrow the width of the image on thescreen to the left.To change the snow noise of the image.Adjusts the horizontal size by increasing or decreasingthe setting.Press + button to expand the width of the image onthe screen.Press - button to narrow the width of the image onthe screen.H POSITIONV POSITIONCLOCK*:INPUT RGB2/3 onlyCLOCK PHASE*:INPUT RGB2/3 onlyH RESOLUTION*:INPUT RGB1/2/3 onlyMAIN MENUPICTURESCREENAUDIOPIPCONFIGURATION 1CONFIGURATION 2ADVANCED OPTION:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXITSCREENH POSITIONV POSITIONCLOCKCLOCK PHASEH RESOLUTIONV RESOLUTIONZOOM MODESCREEN RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU1360H RESOLUTIONEXITSCREENH POSITIONV POSITIONCLOCKCLOCK PHASEH RESOLUTIONV RESOLUTIONZOOM MODESCREEN RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU18CLOCK PHASEEXITSCREENH POSITIONV POSITIONCLOCKCLOCK PHASEH RESOLUTIONV RESOLUTIONZOOM MODESCREEN RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU1782CLOCKEXITSCREENH POSITIONV POSITIONCLOCKCLOCK PHASEH RESOLUTIONV RESOLUTIONZOOM MODESCREEN RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU0V POSITIONEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU0H POSITIONEXITSCREENH POSITIONV POSITIONCLOCKCLOCK PHASEH RESOLUTIONV RESOLUTIONZOOM MODESCREEN RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT