English-24Select “SCREEN SAVER” functions to reduce the risk ofthe “image persistence”.GAMMA: The display gamma is changed and fixed whenselected “ON”.COOLING FAN: The built in cooling fan is always onwhen set “ON”.BRIGHTNESS: The brightness is decreased whenselected “ON”.MOTION: Image is slightly expanded and moves4 directions (UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT) periodically(Need setting the time for movement).Movement area is approximately +/- 10mm from originalposition; Please locate the important information such astext within 90% area of screen image.See note (1) for this functions.PIP, POP, Side by Side and STILL will be disabled when“MOTION” is active.Selecting the Colour System depends on your inputvideo format.AUTO: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAL60 or 4.43 NTSC isautomatically selected.NTSC: Specific selection of NTSC.PAL: Specific selection of PAL.SECAM: Specific selection of SECAM.PAL-60: Specific selection of PAL60.4.43NTSC: Specific selection of 4.43 NTSC.Adjustment the side black bar color white when 4:3image displayed, black to white.Press + button, the bar will become whiter.Press - button, the bar will become darker.Selecting the CONFIGURATION RESET allows you toreset all configuration settings.Select “Yes” and press “SET” button to restore the factorypreset data.Press “EXIT” button to cancel and return the previousmenu.Selecting “YES” allows you to reset PICTURE, SCREEN,AUDIO, CONFIGURATION1,2 and ADVANCED OPTIONwill be back to factory settings (except LANGUAGE,DATE & TIME and SCHEDULE).Select “YES” and press “SET” button to restore thefactory preset data.Press “EXIT” button to cancel and return the previousmenu.SCREEN SAVERCOLOR SYSTEM*:INPUT VIDEO onlySIDE BORDERCOLORCONFIGURATIONRESETFACTORY RESETCONFIGURATION 1POWER SAVELANGUAGESCREEN SAVERCOLOR SYSTEMSIDE BORDER COLORCONFIGURATION RESETFACTORY RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXITFACTORY RESET:RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUNOYES:SEL EXITCONFIGURATION 1POWER SAVELANGUAGESCREEN SAVERCOLOR SYSTEMSIDE BORDER COLORCONFIGURATION RESETFACTORY RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXITCONFIGURATION RESET:RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUNOYES:SEL EXITCONFIGURATION 1AUTO SETUPAUTO ADJUSTAUTO BRIGHTNESSPOWER SAVELANGUAGESCREEN SAVERSIDE BORDER COLOR:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT + -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUSCREEN SAVER:SELGAMMACOOLING FANBRIGHTNESSMOTIONON / OFFON / AUTOON / OFF1 SEC.EXITCONFIGURATION 1POWER SAVELANGUAGESCREEN SAVERCOLOR SYSTEMSIDE BORDER COLORCONFIGURATION RESETFACTORY RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXITCOLOR SYSTEMAUTODEUTSCHNTSCPALSECAM4.43 NTSCPAL-60:SEL :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXITCONFIGURATION 1AUTO BRIGHTNESSPOWER SAVELANGUAGEPOWER SAVECOLOR SYSTEMSIDE BORDER COLORCONFIGURATION RESETFACTORY RESET:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:ADJ :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENU50SIDE BORDER COLOREXITMain-MenuCONFIGURATION 2Sub-MenuA set up ON/OFF of long cable alteration can beperformed. In ON, enforcement of an AUTO Set Upperformed alteration.Please refer to the CD-ROM included for alteration.LONG CABLEON/OFF*:INPUT RGB2/3 onlyMAIN MENUPICTURESCREENAUDIOPIPCONFIGURATION 1CONFIGURATION 2ADVANCED OPTION:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT+ -:SEL :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENULONG CABLE ON/OFFON / OFFEXITCONFIGURATION 2LONG CABLE ON/OFFLONG CABLE MANUALOSM TURN OFFINFORMATION OSMOFF TIMEROSM POSITIONINPUT DETECTMONITOR INFORMATION:SEL SET :NEXT :RETURN MENU :EXIT MENUEXIT