ၟᶆ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌㻌㻹㼕㼏㼞㼛㼟㼛㼒㼠 䛸䛭䛾䝻䝂䛚䜘䜃 㻹㼕㼏㼞㼛㼟㼛㼒㼠㻌㼃㼕㼚㼐㼛㼣㼟㻘㻌㼃㼕㼚㼐㼛㼣㼟㻘㻌㼃㼕㼚㼐㼛㼣㼟㻌㻿㼑㼞㼢㼑㼞 䛿⡿ᅜ 㻹㼕㼏㼞㼛㼟㼛㼒㼠㻌㻯㼛㼞㼜㼛㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 䛾⡿ᅜ䛚䜘䜃䛭䛾䛾ᅜ䛻䛚䛡䜛Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌㻱㼙㼡㼘㼑㼤 䛸䛭䛾䝻䝂䛚䜘䜃 㻸㼕㼓㼔㼠㻼㼡㼘㼟㼑䚸㻻㼚㼑㻌㻯㼛㼚㼚㼑㼏㼠 䛿⡿ᅜ 㻱㼙㼡㼘㼑㼤㻌㻯㼛㼞㼜㼛㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 䛾⡿ᅜ䛚䜘䜃䛭䛾䛾ᅜ䛻䛚䛡䜛Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌グ㍕䛾♫ྡ䛚䜘䜃ၟရྡ䛿ྛ♫䛾ၟᶆ䜎䛯䛿Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌Concerning trademarksMicrosoft and its logo, Windows and Windows Server are all registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporationin the United States of America and/or other countries.Emulex and its logo and OneConnect and LightPulse are all registered trademarks of Emulex Corporation inthe United States of America and/or other countries.All other product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners andshould be treated as such.䛤ὀព㻌㻌䠄䠍䠅㻌 ᮏ᭩䛾ෆᐜ䛾୍㒊䜎䛯䛿㒊䜢↓᩿㌿㍕䛩䜛䛣䛸䛿⚗Ṇ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌䠄䠎䠅㻌 ᮏ᭩䛾ෆᐜ䛻㛵䛧䛶䛿ᑗ᮶ண࿌䛺䛧䛻ኚ᭦䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌䠄䠏䠅㻌 䠪䠡䠟䛾チྍ䛺䛟」〇䞉ᨵኚ䛺䛹䜢⾜䛖䛣䛸䛿䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌䠄䠐䠅㻌 ᮏ᭩䛿ෆᐜ䛻䛴䛔䛶䜢ᮇ䛧䛶సᡂ䛔䛯䛧䜎䛧䛯䛜䚸୍䛤ᑂ䛺Ⅼ䜔ㄗ䜚䚸グ㍕䜒䜜䛺䛹䛚Ẽ䛵䛝䛾䛣䛸䛜㻌䛒䜚䜎䛧䛯䜙䚸䛚㈙䛔ồ䜑䛾㈍ᗑ䛻䛤㐃⤡䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌䠄䠑䠅㻌 㐠⏝䛧䛯⤖ᯝ䛾ᙳ㡪䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䠄䠐䠅㡯䛻䛛䛛䜟䜙䛪㈐௵䜢㈇䛔䛛䛽䜎䛩䛾䛷䛤ᢎ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌Note(1)No part of this document may be reproduced without consent.(2)The content of this document may be changed without prior notice.(3)No part of this document may be revised or reproduced without the permission of NEC Corporation.(4)Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the informationcontained in this document, please contact the dealer you purchased this product from if you have anyquestions or find mistakes or omissions.(5)Notwithstanding the preceding item (4), NEC Corporation shall not be liable for any consequencesresulting from the use of this product,.