Options 3-292. Locate one of the larger power connectors coming from the power supply andplug it into the hard disk drive power connector (see Figure Section 3-32).Figure Section 3-32 Desktop Hard Disk Drive CablesFinishing Desktop 5 1/4-Inch Device InstallationReplace the assemblies removed earlier and reconfigure the system as follows.1. Reinstall the 3 1/2-inch drive bracket by reversing the steps of the “Desktop3 1/2-inch Drive Bracket Removal” procedure given earlier.2. Replace the top cover and run Setup to reconfigure the computer for the harddisk drive (see Section 2, Setup and Operation). If a fault occurs at power-on,verify that the reassembly was performed correctly.Reconfigure the computer for the hard disk drive by selecting hard disk drive“Installed” in Setup. Setup will automatically detect the hard disk type. Wheninstalling a hard disk drive that cannot be detected, use the “Define Hard DiskType” to determine the hard disk drive type.MINITOWER 5 1/4-INCH DEVICE INSTALLATIONTo install a 5 1/4-inch device into the minitower system, the top cover and 5 1/4-inch blankpanel must first be removed. “Desktop 5 1/4-inch Device Installation” instructions wereprovided earlier in this section. When device option kits come with rails preattached,remove the drive rails and reuse the screws to secure the drives to the drive bracket.IDECablePowerCable