Figure 15. Chassis Settings in MAXTrigger Configuration in MAXPXI Platform Services provides an interface to route and reserve triggers so dynamic routing,through drivers such as DAQmx, avoids double-driving and potentially damaging trigger lines.For more information about routing and reserving PXI triggers, refer to KnowledgeBase3TJDOND8 at chassis has one or more trigger buses, each with eight lines numbered 0 through 7 thatcan be reserved and routed statically or dynamically. Static reservation pre-allocates a triggerline to prevent its configuration by a user program. Dynamic reservation/routing/deallocationis on the fly within a user program based on National Instruments APIs such as NI-DAQmx.NI recommends dynamic reservations and routing are used whenever possible. If staticreservations are required, static reservation of trigger lines can be implemented by the user inMAX through the Triggers tab. PXI modules dynamically configured by programs such asNI-DAQmx will not use reserved trigger lines. This prevents the instruments from double-driving the trigger lines, possibly damaging devices in the chassis. In the default configuration,trigger lines on each bus are independent. For example, if trigger line 3 is asserted on triggerbus 0, by default it is not asserted automatically on any other trigger bus.26 | | PXIe-1092 User Guide