FlexRIO Documentation and ResourcesTable 1. FlexRIO Documentation and ResourcesDocument/Resource Location DescriptionPXIe-5745 GettingStarted Guide (thisdocument)Available at ni.com/manuals.Contains installation instructions andbasic programming instructions foryour PXIe-5745.PXIe-5745SpecificationsAvailable at ni.com/manuals.Contains specifications for yourPXIe-5745.PXIe-5745 Safety,Environmental, andRegulatory InformationAvailable at ni.com/manuals.Contains important safety,environmental, and regulatoryinformation for your PXIe-5745.LabVIEW FPGA ModuleHelpEmbedded in LabVIEWHelp and at ni.com/manuals.Contains information about the basicfunctionality of the LabVIEW FPGAModule.FlexRIO Help Available at ni.com/manuals.Contains information about the FPGAmodule front panel connectors andI/O, programming instructions, andI/O component-level IP (CLIP).LabVIEW Examples Available in NI ExampleFinder. In LabVIEW,click Help»FindExamples»HardwareInput and Output»FlexRIO.Contains examples of how to runFPGA VIs and Host VIs on yourdevice.IPNet Located at ni.com/ipnet. Contains LabVIEW FPGA functionsand intellectual property to share.FlexRIO product page Located at ni.com/flexrio. Contains product information anddata sheets for FlexRIO devices.Verifying the System RequirementsTo use the PXIe-5745, your system must meet certain requirements. For more informationabout minimum system requirements, recommended system, and supported applicationdevelopment environments (ADEs), refer to the readme, which is available on the softwaremedia or online at ni.com/updates.2 | ni.com | PXIe-5745 Getting Started Guide