12 000 WATT AM BROADCAST TRANSMITTERXL12Page 8-201 January 20028.6.2 REFEREBCE DESIGNATIONCOLUMN: The reference designation columncontains the reference designation for a specific part.These designations are assigned in accordance withthe requirements of American National StandardSpecification ANSI Y32.16. Each referencedesignation index is sorted and listed alpha/numerically according to the reference designationsin this column.8.6.3 NAME OF PART AND DESCRIPTIONCOLUMN: This column contains the name anddescriptive information for each part. The key wordor noun is presented first, followed by the adjectiveidentifiers.8.6.4 NAUTEL'S PART NO. COLUMN:This column contains the Nautel part numberassigned to each part. This number is Nautel'sdrawing number for Nautel manufactured parts,Nautel's configuration control number for assembliesthat are under configuration control management orNautel's inventory management number forpurchased parts.8.6.5 JAN/MIL/OEM PART NO. COLUMN:This column contains an original equipmentmanufacturer's part number for a part. A single partnumber is listed for each part, even though there maybe more than one known manufacturer. The listednumber is Nautel's usual or preferred choice. AJAN/ MIL number has been assigned as themanufacturer's part number, where practical, toassist the user in finding a suitable replacement part.The use of this number does not restrict Nautel fromselecting and using commercial equivalents, wheretheir use will not degrade circuit operation orreliability, during manufacture.8.6.6 X/Y GRID COLUMN: ReferenceDesignation Indexes for printed wiring boards with ahigh parts density have an X/Y grid column. Thiscolumn contains an alpha/numeric grouping that iskeyed to an X/Y grid on the item's assembly detaildrawing. This information is provided as an aid tolocating parts on printed wiring boards.8.6.7 OEM CODE COLUMN: This columncontains a five digit coded group as the originalequipment manufacturer's (OEM) identifier. Thecode was extracted from Cataloging HandbookH4/H8 - Commercial and Government Entity (Cage)Code. Manufacturers that were not listed in thecatalog when this listing was compiled have beenassigned a unique five letter code. This code isassigned arbitrarily and has no other significance.The manufacturers identified for parts that haveJAN or MIL part numbers are Nautel's normalsupply source for that part.NOTEOEM code 37338 is listed for parts manufacturedby Nautel or to a Nautel control drawing. UnitedStates of America customers should refer allreplacement part orders to Nautel MaineIncorporated (OEM code 57655).