12 000 WATT AM BROADCAST TRANSMITTERXL12Page 2-901 January 20022.1.11.9 B+ Power Supply Fault Alarm: Analarm output that indicates the RF output has beeninhibited, because the output of the B+ DC powersupply is not within 10% of its optimum voltage (overor under) is available on TB3-5 (B+ P/S FAIL). Anegative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will bepresent for an alarm condition. AC Fail Alarm: An alarm output thatindicates the RF output has been inhibited; becausethe voltage from the AC power source is more thanten percent below the ideal voltage for the powertransformer's selected primary winding taps, or a lossof phase has occurred; is available on TB3-6 (ACFAIL). A negative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarm condition. Power Supply Over Temp Alarm: Analarm output that indicates the RF output has beeninhibited, because the sensed temperature in theAC/DC power supply compartment is in excess of85°C, is available on TB3-7 (P/S OVER TEMP). Anegative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will bepresent for an alarm condition. Battery Low Alarm: An alarm outputthat indicates the charge status of the batteries onthe system control PWB has decayed to less than4.0 VDC and they should be replaced, is availableon TB3-9 (BATTERY LOW). A negative logic output(current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarmcondition. External Interlock Alarm: An alarmoutput that indicates the RF output is being inhibited,because one or more of the external interlockswitches has been opened, is available on TB3-10(EXT INTLK OPEN). A negative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarmcondition. Internal Interlock Alarm: An alarmoutput that indicates the RF output is being inhibited,because the transmitter's ground wand is notproperly stored in its retaining clip, is available onTB3-11 (INT INTLK OPEN). A negative logic output(current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarmcondition. RF Power Shutback Alarm: An alarmoutput that indicates the RF output is being inhibited(shutback), because a protection circuit threshold hasbeen exceeded, is available on TB5-1 (RF PWRCUTBACK). A negative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarm condition. RF Drive B+ Fail Alarm: An alarmoutput that indicates the RF output has been inhibited,because the output of the RF drive amplifier's B+DC power supply is less than 56V, is available onTB5-2 (RF DR B+ FAIL). A negative logic output(current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarmcondition. PDM Failure Alarm: An alarm outputthat indicates the RF output has been inhibited,because one or both of the pulse duration modulation(PDM) outputs from the active interphase PDMdriver PWB has failed, is available on TB5-3 (PDMFAIL). A negative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will be present for an alarm condition. RF Drive Fail Alarm: An alarm outputthat indicates the RF output has been inhibited,because the peak-to-peak voltage of the RF drivebeing applied to the FETs in the RF amplifiers of theRF power module is less than 17.5 volts peak-to-peak, is available on TB5-4 (RF DRIVE FAIL). Anegative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will bepresent for an alarm condition. Low DC Volts Fail Alarm: An alarmoutput that indicates the RF output has been inhibited,because the output of one of the low voltage DCpower supplies (+8V, +5V, -5V, +15V or -15V) hasfailed, is available on TB5-5 (LV P/S FAIL). Anegative logic output (current-sink-to-ground) will bepresent for an alarm condition.