12 000 WATT AM BROADCAST TRANSMITTERXL12Page 2-1101 January 20022.1.13.1 Ancillary Parts: An ancillary parts kit isprovided with each transmitter. These parts areprovided to ensure initial installation is not delayedbecause of a lost or damaged part and to allow theuser to maintain the equipment until a comprehensivemaintenance spares kit is obtained. They are notintended to be long term maintenance spares.Detailed information about these parts is not includedin this manual. The ancillary parts kit contents isitemized in its packing list.2.1.14 PARTS REQUIRED BUT NOTSUPPLIED BY NAUTEL: Some parts andmaterials required to complete an installation are notsupplied with the transmitter or are not provided byNautel. The user must supply these parts. Eachinstallation will dictate the parts required, and willnormally include the following:- A suitable 50-ohm RF output coaxial cable,terminated by a 1 5/8 inch EIA connectorcomplete with centre male connector at thetransmitter end, is required.- All external control/monitor wiring, includingtheir associated terminating devices andconduit clamps must be provided by the user.- All electrical power cables, including conduit,terminating devices and conduit clamps mustbe provided by the user.2.14.1 Surge Protector Panel: A surge protectorpanel, that is rated for the AC power source to beapplied to the transmitter, is available from Nautel.The surge protector panel will help protect thetransmitter against lightning induced voltagetransients on the AC power source and/or theantenna system.2.1.15 TEST EQUIPMENT AND SPECIALTOOLS: The test equipment required to install andmaintain the transmitter is listed in table 1-2 and thespecial tools are listed in table 1-3.