© by N&W GLOBAL VENDING SpA 16 0512 264 - 00Notes on programmingThe machine electronic control allows or not the use ofmany functions:All of the available functions are described in the machineprogram, including the ones that are not used for thespecific configuration of the model (layout).The machine is supplied with a dose table, describing thedifferent functions and layouts available for the specificmodel and the flowchart of the programming menu.Below is listed a summary explanation of the main func-tions useful for managing the operation of the machine, notnecessarily in the order in which they are displayed in themenu.For further information and detailed explanations refer to theprogramming manual available through our sales organisa-tion or at our after-sales service.The software version can be updated using the specificsystems (PC, Flash, Upkey etc.).The messages on the display that indicate the currentoperation are fixed, while any action required by the user isblinking.POWER ONEach time the machine is energised, (if the function isenabled) the display presents the list of controls to beperformed before starting the machine, and namely:Tubing (nozzles etc.)MixersPowder feederCoffee shutterPower onOPERATING MODESThe machine can be in three different operating modes.According to the operating mode, the buttons take ondifferent functions.The available operating modes are as follows:FUNCTIONSNormal operating mode Coins acceptedproducts dispensedFiller menu Test dispensingmachine maintenanceTechnician menu Programmingdifferent parametersNORMAL OPERATING MODEDuring the normal operating mode the display shows themessage for the user with the prompt to select the drink.The function of the buttons can be different according tothe layout and to the choices made during programming.Koro ESREV 1.0SELECT THE DRINKDRINK SELECTEDWhen inserting coins or a payment system, the availablecredit is displayed.SELECTION NOT AVAILABLE"Failure name"DRINK READYTAKESELECT THE DRINKCredit= 0.50POWER ONConfirm?For all controls the request “Confirm?” is indicated on thedisplay.Press any selection button to continue.The function of presenting the list of preliminary controlscan be enabled from the programming menu.At the end of the power on cycle, the display indicates thesoftware version number to which referring for consultingthe programming manual.The machine can be programmed for displaying, for a fewsecond, the number of selections made.After a few seconds the display shows the message:Ready for useSELECT THE DRINKDuring the drink dispensing, also a status bar is shown,indicating the drink preparation status.In the event of a malfunction detected by the controlsystem, an error message will be displayed indicating thetype of problem.At the end of dispensing, the display indicates for a fewseconds the request to pick up the drink and the machineis preset for the next selection.