21© by N&W GLOBAL VENDING SpA 0512 264 - 00READING PRESENT FAILURESWhen the “Failure” function is displayed, press the confirmbutton “ ” to display the present failures.If no failures are currently present, after pressing theconfirm button “ ” the message “End failures” will bedisplayed.TECH>SET PARAMETERSTECH>CASHCoin mechanismsIt is possible to decide which of the payment systemprotocols available are to be enabled for the functions.The available payment systems are:- Validators- MDBBy selecting one of the systems it is possible to control itsfunctions.ValidatorsWhen the “Validat. Lines” (line setting) function of the“Technician” menu is displayed, the value of the 6 validatorcoin lines can be changed.MDBThe MDB protocol menus are used for defining the followingfunctions:Type of vendingChange controlMaximum creditMaximum changeAccepted coinsReturned coinsAccepted billsMinimum level of tubesAccepted coins with “exact amount”For further information refer to the programming manual.FUNCTIONS COMMON TO ALL SYSTEMSImmediate changeNormally, the amount of a selection is cashed after themachine sends the message “Selection successful”.When this function is enabled, disabled by default, the cashmessage is sent at the beginning of dispensing.Decimal pointPress the confirm button “ ” to display the position of thedecimal point, i.e.:0 decimal point disabled1 XXX.X2 XX.XX3 X.XXXPress the confirm button “ ”, these values will start blinkingand can then be modified as necessary.TECH>FAILURESFAILURE LISTEnd of failuresTECH>FAILURESTECH>RESET FAILURESRESETTINGBy confirming this function all current failures will be reset.PROGRAMMING PARAMETERSCASHThis set of functions controls all parameters regarding thepayment systems and the sales prices.Selection pricesFour different prices can be set for each selection accordingto the programmed time bands for when the time tableoption is enabled.For each of the 4 time bands prices (0 to 65,535) can beprogrammed globally (same price for all selections) or forthe single selections.Should the majority of products be sold at the same price,it will be convenient to set the price globally and thenchange the figure of the selections with different prices.Time bandsFour programmable time bands are provided for sellingproducts at different prices.The time periods are programmable for beginning and endtime by hours (00 to 23) and minutes (00 to 59).If the values for start and end of the time band are set to00.00 the time period is disabled.The reference time is kept by an internal clock, programma-ble as:day/month/year week-day 1-7and thenhour/minutes/seconds.If the values for start and end of the time band are set to00.00 the time period is disabled.