4© by N&W GLOBAL VENDING SpA 0512 264 - 00PAYMENT SYSTEMUsing special kits, the machine can be fitted with paymentsystems with MDB protocol.The payment systems must be housed in the special sidemodule (optional).SALE PRICESA different programmable price can be set for each selec-tion;the standard setting has the same sales price for allselections.WATER SUPPLYFrom the mains, with a pressure of 7.3 to 123.3 psig (0.5 to8.5 bar).AVAILABLE ADJUSTMENTSGrade of grinding for espresso coffee.Espresso coffee doseWater doses by volume.Time adjustment for instant product doses.Water temperature adjusted via software.CONTROLS- Presence of water- Presence of coffee- Operating temperature reachedSAFETY DEVICES- Main switch- Door switch- top panel switch- Presence of solid waste tray- Presence of liquid waste container- Manual-reset boiler safety thermostat- Air-break float jammed- Overflow solenoid valve- Timer protection for:PumpCoffee unit ratiomotorCoffee grinder- Overheating protection for:Doser unitsCoffee unit ratiomotorMagnetsPumpElectric mixersCoffee grinder motor- Fuse protection forMain electrical circuitBoard power supply transformerCAPACITY OF CONTAINERSCoffee beans 350 grMilk 600 grPOWER CONSUMPTIONThe machine power consumption depends on many fac-tors, such as the temperature and ventilation of the roomwhere it is installed, the inlet water and boiler temperature,etc.With an ambient temperature of 22° C the following powerconsumption levels resulted:To reach operating temperature 64 W/hFor 24 h in stand-by 1135 W/hThe above power consumption calculated from averagedata should only be taken as an indication.ACCESSORIESA wide range of accessories can be installed on themachine to vary its performance:The installation kits are supplied with their own installationand test instructions, which must be strictly observed toensure the machine safety.Important notice!!The use of kits which are not approved by the manufacturerof the vending machine does not guarantee compliancewith safety standards, especially for energised parts.The manufacturer declines all responsibility for the use ofnon approved components.Installation and the following testing operations mustbe carried out exclusively by personnel who have aspecific knowledge of the machine functions from apoint of view of electrical safety and health regulations.