FlexPAK 800/1000EN264.2.13 BLI-WrMenu for setting the delay time for the Bin Level Indicator warning message. When theBLI signal disappears, the BLI-Wr timer is activated. When the timer elapses, the message‘Warning! Dustbin Full’ is activated, see Section ‘3.2.3 Dustbin Full’.ESC OKBLI-Wr 1/1T = 12:00mTa = 00:00mT=12:00m: Time before message “Warning! Dustbin Full’ is activated.Default is 12 minutes.Ta=00:00: Elapsed time since the BLI-sensor was activated.4.2.14 AEBTmeMenu for Automatic Emptying of the collector Bin, interval Timer settings. This functionis only available when BinAuto is set to ‘On’, see Section ‘4.2.19 BinAuto’. When AEBTmeelapses, it activates the dust bin emptying sequence with either the AEB - Flap Valve,simple TVFD, Advance TVFD or Preseparator.ESC OKAEBTmr 1/1TH = 01:00sTL = 60:00mTa = 00:00mTH=01:00s: Do not change the default setting of 1 second.TL=60:00m: The amount of time between emptying cycles. The defaultsetting is 60 minutes.Ta=00:00: The elapsed time since the last AEB was activated.4.2.15 BinOpnTmMenu for AEB-Flap Valve, simple TVFD and Preseparator opening cycle settings. The valuesfor ‘TL’ and ‘TH’ depend on which function is being used. See Section ‘5 Automatic binemptying function’.ESC OKBinOpnTm 1/1TH = 05:00sTL = 03:00sTa = 00:00sTH= See Section ‘5 Automatic bin emptying function’.TL= See Section ‘5 Automatic bin emptying function’.4.2.16 CFDPS-AlMenu for setting the delay time for the Control Filter DP Sensor Alarm (CFDPS-Al). Whenthe Control Filter DP Sensor signal disappears, the CFDPS-Al timer is activated. When thistimer has elapsed, the unit goes into Off mode and an alarm is displayed in the PLC. SeeSection ‘3.3.8 Alarm! Control Filter Clogged’.ESC OKCFDPS-Al 1/1T = 5:00sTa = 00:00sT=05:00s: Time before CFDPS-Al is activated. The default setting is 5seconds.Ta=00:00: The elapsed time since the CF-DPS signal disappeared.4.2.17 TVFDAdvMenu for activating the advanced TVFD where an upper and lower position sensor are usedto detect TVFD valve position.ESC OKTVFDAdv 1/1Switch = OffSwitch=Off is the default setting; advanced TVFD is deactivated. SimpleTVFD, AEB or Preseparator is activated.To activate advanced TVFD, set Switch=On.