A-108 User’s Reference GuideTTTTeeeecccchhhhnnnniiiiccccaaaallll ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrttttNetopia, Inc. is committed to providing its customers with reliable products and documentation, backed byexcellent technical support.BBBBeeeeffffoooorrrreeee ccccoooonnnnttttaaaaccccttttiiiinnnngggg NNNNeeeettttooooppppiiiiaaaaLook in this guide for a solution to your problem. You may find a solution in this troubleshooting appendix or inother sections. Check the index for a reference to the topic of concern. If you cannot find a solution, completethe environment profile below before contacting Netopia technical support.EEEEnnnnvvvviiiirrrroooonnnnmmmmeeeennnntttt pppprrrrooooffffiiiilllleeee Locate the Netopia D-Series’s model number, product serial number, and firmware version. The serialnumber is on the bottom of the Netopia D-Series, along with the model number. The firmware versionappears in the Netopia D-Series’s Main Menu screen.Model number:Serial number:Firmware version: What kind of local network(s) do you have, with how many devices?EthernetLocalTalkEtherTalkTCP/IPIPXOther:HHHHoooowwww ttttoooo rrrreeeeaaaacccchhhh uuuussssWe can help you with your problem more effectively if you have completed the environment profile in theprevious section. If you contact us by telephone, please be ready to supply Netopia Technical Support with theinformation you used to configure the Netopia D-Series. Also, please be at the site of the problem and preparedto reproduce it and to try some troubleshooting steps.When you are prepared, contact Netopia Customer Service by e-mail, telephone, fax, or post:Internet: techsports@netopia.com (for technical support)info@netopia.com (for general information)Phone: 1 800-782-6449Fax: 1 510-814-5023Netopia, Inc.Customer Service2470 Mariner Square LoopAlameda, California 94501USA