6-44 User’s Reference GuideYou can change the default terminal communications parameters to suit your requirements.To go to the Console Configuration screen, select Console Configuration in the System Configuration screen.Follow these steps to change a parameter’s value:1. Select the parameter you want to change.2. Select a new value for the parameter. Return to step 1 if you want to configure another parameter.3. Select SET CONFIG NOW to save the new parameter settings. Select CANCEL to leave the parametersunchanged and exit the Console Configuration screen.SSSSNNNNMMMMPPPP ((((SSSSiiiimmmmpppplllleeee NNNNeeeettttwwwwoooorrrrkkkk MMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt PPPPrrrroooottttooooccccoooollll))))These screens allow you to monitor and configure your network by means of a standard Simple NetworkManagement Protocol (SNMP) agent. Details are given in “SNMP” on page 7-57.SSSSeeeeccccuuuurrrriiiittttyyyyThese screens allow you to add users and define passwords on your network. Details are given in “Security” onpage 8-61.UUUUppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeee sssseeeettttYou can upgrade your Netopia D-Series by adding new feature sets through the Upgrade Feature Set utility.See the release notes that came with your Netopia D-Series or feature set upgrade, or visit the Netopia Website at www.netopia.com for information on new feature sets, how to obtain them, and how to install them onyour Netopia D-Series.LLLLooooggggggggiiiinnnnggggConsole ConfigurationBaud Rate... 57600Hardware Flow Control: NoSET CONFIG NOW CANCEL