Security 8-79NNNNaaaammmmiiiinnnngggg aaaa nnnneeeewwww ffffiiiilllltttteeeerrrr sssseeeettttAll new filter sets have a default name. The first filter set you add will be called Filter Set 1, the next filter will beFilter Set 2, and so on.To give a new filter set a different name, select Filter Set Name and enter a new name for the filter set.To save the filter set, select ADD FILTER SET. The saved filter set is empty (contains no filters), but you canreturn to it later to add filters (see “Modifying filter sets” on page 8-85). Or you can add filters to your new setbefore saving it (see “Adding filters to a filter set” on page 8-80).To leave the Add Filter Set screen without saving the new filter set Select CANCEL. You are returned to the FilterSets screen.Add Filter Set...Filter Set Name: Filter Set 1ADD FILTER SET CANCELConfigure the Filter Set name and its associated Filters.