Page 26/62 GEO M6 HARDWARE SETUP PROCEDUREWARNINGS ON GEO M6 ACCESSORIES8.2.6WARNING 1All GEO M6 Accessories are specifically rated in agreement with structuralcomputations.Never use other accessories – including push-pins - when assembling GEO M6cabinets than the ones provided by NEXO: NEXO will decline responsibility over theentire GEO M6 accessory range if any component is purchased from different supplier.WARNING 3All GEO M6 accessories have been designed so that cabinets are arrayed vertically.GEO M6 horizontal assemblies as shown in figure below- are UNSAFE and STRICTLYPROHIBITED.NO YES8.3 Installing GEO M6IMPORTANTIn order to prevent screws from getting loose in fixed installations, use blocking liquidLOCTITETM 243 or equivalent for all screws used with GEO M6 fixed installationaccessories.LOCTITETM 243 is available at NEXO or at your local distributor upon request.