35PARAMETER-SETTING INTERFACE AND OPTIONSPowerdrive MD2SL Installation and maintenance5077 - 2017.12 / ben5.3 - Electrical protectionsIn the factory, a switching device can be integrated as anoption to the Powerdrive MD2SL.The optional power switch integrated to the drivedoesn’t isolate the input busbars of the drive.During the installation and maintenance operationensure that the supply line is open.References and size of the options below, mounted ina Powerdrive MD2SL, are detailed in the Leroy-SomerConfigurator : http://configurateurls.leroy-somer.com5.3.1 - aR semi-conductor fusesThe aR semiconductor fuses limit the consequences ofan incident related to a short-circuit in the drive. They don’tprovide protection to the drive power line and must always beassociated with a protective device against overload locatedupstream the line.aR semiconductor fuses kits (optional Fu aR) are available forPowerdrive MD2SL.5.3.2 - Line switchA 3-pole switch is available for the Powerdrive MD2SL.This option is used to isolate the motor from the ACsupply during maintenance operations.• Fully visible break with padlockable handle on the frontof the drive cabinet (can be turned manually, padlock notsupplied)• Conforming to standard IEC/EN 60947-3The QS3P switch must always be included in aR semi-conductor fuse kits, in accordance with the table in section3.1.5.The QS3P switch is necessarily associated withsemiconductor aR fuses in compliance with table § 3.1.Characteristics at 40°C in category AC21Ith = thermal currentPowerdrive MD2SLratingSwitchReference Ith @400V(A)Ith @690V(A)Number ofoperations180T & 220T QS3P_400A 400 400 5 000270TH & 340TH270T & 340T QS3P_630A 630 630 5 000400TH to 600TH400T QS3P_800A 800 800 3 000750TH470T to 570T QS3P_1000A 1000 800 3 000750T QS3P_1250A 1250 1000 4 000900TH900T QS3P_1600A 1600 1000 4 0001100T QS3P_1800A 1800 1000 4 0001400T & 1700T Contact your local technical support.1200TH to 1800TH.5.3.3 - Emergency stop• MD2-AU1: SIL1/PLb protection deviceThe MD2-AU1 protection device consists of an emergencystop wired on the STO inputs and mounted on the front.• SIL3/PLe protection deviceThe Powerdrive MD2SL can be made compatible withSIL3/PLe by incorporating a safety relay for double channellocking.Contact LEROY-SOMER.5.4 - Heater kitTo prevent condensation in the Powerdrive MD2SL a self-limited temperature heater is available as an option.The intaller must provide ~230V single phase protection (fuserating indicated below) and ensure its control (the modulemust be turned off when the drive is in operation).5.5 - RFI filtersThe use of RFI filters contributes to a reduction in theemission levels of radio-frequency signals. They allow thecompliance of the Powerdrive MD2SL components with thevariable speed standard EN61800-3.Depending on the drive and the application, install the RFI filterrecommended (available as option) between the mains and thedrive input.CAUTION:The specific design of these filters makes it possibleto connect to IT power supplies. The installer should,however, ensure that insulation supervision systemsdedicated to these installations are suitable formonitoring electrical equipment that may containelectronic variable speed drives.MD2-AU1terminalsMD2HEATterminals