m ¥ * / CLOSE-UP TABLES(cm)timiMCose-up atiachment?a-X7y7U>Z No 0Close-Up Lens No. 0•?Q—X7-y7U>3( No lClose-Up Lens No 1? n - X 7 ' y 7 U > X No 2Close-Up Lens No. 2E 2 'J > ?E2 RingK Ring SetPK-Series Rings' v D - X T ? y ^ > > l - PB-4.PB-SBellows PB-4.PB-5^ • - ^ T ? v ^ > > t - PB-6Bellows PB-67 . 7 - f h ' D t - g a PS-4.PS-5Slide Copying Adapter PS-4, PS-5X 7 - r K 3 t - S a PS-6Slide Copying Adapter PS-67 ? Q 3 t - ^ ? > | - PB-6MMacro Copy Stand PB-6Mx ? ^ 7 - > - > a > ^ a - X PB-6EExtension Bellows PB-6EH t ^ S I PF-2.PF-3.PF-4Reprocopy Outfit PF-2. PF-3, PF-4PN RingU >;<..! 7} [£]Lens m normal positionReproduction1/25.7-1/1.91/12.2-1/1.71/62-1/1.51/3.9-1/1.31/9 5-1.31/69-141/1.3-3.41/1.1-3.81/1.3-1.81/1 1-2.41/1.1-2.51/1.1-8.01/13.6-1/21.0-1-4Subject field61.6 x 9 2 . 4 -4.5 x 6.729.4 x 4 4 . 1 -4 2 x 6.314 8 x 2 2 2 -3.7 x 5.59 4 x 14 1 -3.1 x 4.722.8 x 3 4 . 1 -1.8 x 2.716 5 x 2 4 . 7 -1 7 x 2 63.1 x 4 . 6 -0.71 x 112.8 x 4 . 1 -0.63 x 0.953.1 x 4.6-1.3 x 2.02.8 x 4 1 -0 99 x 1.52.8 x 4 . 1 -0.97 x 152.8x4 1 -0.30 x 0.4532.5 x 48.8-4 . 8 x 7 22.5 x 3.8-17 x 2.5Focuseddistance15.3-24.4794-23.9458-22.834.1-22.963.8-22.949.7-23.122 4-31.2222-33.322.4-24.022.2-26.622.2-26922.2-55.685.3-25.022.1-23.2l^>*>3ift£Lens in reverse positionReproduction1.7-4 21.5-3.51 7-4.21 5-2.41.5-2.51.5-7.6Subject field1.4 x 2.2-0.57 x 0.851.6 x 2 5 -0.69 x 1.01.4 x 2 . 2 -0.57 x 0.851.6 x 2 . 5 -1.0 x 1.51.6 x 2.5-0 97 x 1.51 6 x 2 . 5 -0.31 x0.47Focuseddistance23.5-35.722.9-31.723.5-35.722.9-26622.9-26.9229-53.8* K'J >?-£flJmKffl(tKI >) >?-HB«fflOTt #, *«l»««KI~K5%a«SLfct J 0 ) W T - f .1 The first values are for the K1 ring used alone and the second ones for all five rings used together.* * P K ' J > ^ 4 f l l m S ( j l ( t P K - I I A * i 5 l . > t t P K - l ') > y i « S f f l t 7 > i # , f i f i l | S ( ( ( i P K - i l A ~ l 3 * - ! > t . ^ J P K - l - 3 l J > # ' « - » t e L f c £ SOT6OTT-T.* * The first values are for the PK-11A or PK-1 ring used alone and the second ones for three rings (PK-11A~PK-13or PK-1 -PK-3) used together.* * * * v - r | - « ¥ « i l « u >*;£[£] J e s m t S M M l * . BR-3'J > ? ' £ » f f l L f c t $mb* * * The Macro Ring Adapter BR-3 is used to connect the reverse mounted lens to the copying adapter.26