163Playing Images Back—Basic Playback1 Flash status2 Imageadjustment3 Sensitivity (ISOequivalency)4 White balance5 Colorsaturation6 Sharpening7 Digital zoom8 Lens-converterstatus9 File sizePage 3 (Shooting Information)1 Thumbnail preview (flashing bordermarks image highlights—i.e.,brightest areas of image)2 Histogram (shows distribution oftones in image: horizontal axis givespixel brightness, with dark tones toleft and bright tones to right, whilevertical axis shows number of pixelsof each brightness in image)3 File number and type4 Exposure information (meteringmethod, shutter speed, aperture,exposure compensation, sensitivity)Page 4 (Exposure Information)1 File number and type2 Focus information (focal length,aperture, shutter speed, focusmode or manual focus distance,noise reduction)3 Focus confirmation (areas of imagethat are in focus are sharply out-lined, and active focus area is shownin red)Page 5 (Focus Confirmation)