95The Shooting MenuUser SettingIn P, S, A, and M modes, the number of the current user set-tings bank appears in the shooting display.User SettingCamera settings can be stored in two separate“banks,” Bank 1 and Bank 2. By default, changes tocamera settings are stored in Bank 1. To store anothercombination of frequently-used settings, select Bank2 and adjust settings as desired. To switch from onecombination of settings to the other, select the desiredbank in the User setting menu.User settings banks store the following settings:Shooting menu optionsWhite balance * Metering Continuous BSSImage adjustment Saturation control Sensitivity Image sharpeningLens AE lock Bulb / time AF area modeAuto-focus mode Focus confirmation Digital tele Fixed apertureVR mode Pop up Flash exp. comp. Speedlight cntrlAuto bracketing Noise reduction* Any changes to preset white balance apply to both banks, regardless of the bank cur-rently selected.Other settingsFlash mode Focus mode Exposure compensation1261261268M8M8MUser setting8M