149Technical NotesDisplay Problem SolutionIMAGE CANNOTBE SAVED• Memory card has notbeen formatted for use incamera, or error occurredwhile saving picture.• Camera has run out offile numbers.• Camera can not copypicture using quick editor crop options.• Reformat memory card.• Insert new memory cardor delete pictures.• Copies can not be createdfrom movies or from oth-er copies.11212,11471, 72CARD CONTAINSNO IMAGESNo pictures on memorycard, or current foldercontains no images.To view pictures, selectfolder containing picturesin Folders menu.119ALL IMAGES ARE HIDDEN All pictures in current fold-er are hidden.Select another folder oruse Hide image to changehidden status of pictures incurrent folder.123MONITOR OFF *Monitor has been left onfor extended period, acti-vating circuit protection.Turn camera off and wait afew minutes before turningcamera on again.14Battery temperature not inrange 0–40 °C/32–104 °F.Wait until temperature re-turns to operating range. —FILE CONTAINSNO IMAGE DATAFile created by computer ordifferent make of camera.View file on computer orcorrect make of camera. 76THIS IMAGE CANNOT BEDELETEDAttempt to delete protect-ed picture.Remove protection beforedeleting picture. 122THE FOLDER CANNOTBE DELETEDFolder contains hiddenor protected pictures, orpictures not created withCOOLPIX 8800.Remove hidden or protect-ed marking from pictures.Folder can not be deleted ifit contains pictures not cre-ated with COOLPIX 8800.122,123NEW CITY IS IN THECURRENT TIME ZONETravel destination is insame time zone as homelocation.No need to specify newtime zone if travel destina-tion is in same time zone ashome location.131WARNING! MODE DIALIS NOT IN THE PROPERPOSITIONMode dial positioned be-tween two modes. *Rotate mode dial to selectdesired mode. 8WARNING!!NO MENU IN AUTO MODEPLEASE USE ANOTHER MODEbutton pressed inmode.Choose another mode beforepressing button. 8* Err appears in control panel.