Introduction8To select a mode, align the mode icon with the marknext to the mode dial.The Multi SelectorThe Mode DialAuto ( 17)A simple “point-and-shoot”mode recommended forfirst time users of digitalcameras.P SA M ( 46)Choose these modes forvarying degrees of controlover shutter speed andaperture.Playback ( 65)Play pictures back in themonitor.WB ( 54)Display a menu of whitebalance options.ISO ( 52)Display a menu of sensitivity(ISO equivalency) options. ( 33)Display a menu of imagequality and size options.The multi selector is used to navigate through the camera menus.Move cursor upMove cursor downPress center tomake selectionCancel and returnto previous menu,or move cursor leftDisplay sub-menu, move cur-sor right, or make selection.Choose from five moviemodes.Setup ( 130)Display the setup menu,where you can performsuch tasks as setting thecamera clock and adjust-ing monitor brightness.Scene ( 26)Choose from fifteen“scenes” suited to dif-ferent subjects or shoot-ing conditions and let thecamera do the rest.