ISO SensitivitySelect I_1 mode -_ MENU button -_ ISO "_ _) button(auto) sensitivityThe higher the sensitivity, the less light is needed to expose an image, allowing capturingdarker subjects. Additionally, even with subjects of similar brightness, images can be taken atfaster shutter speeds, and blurring caused by camera shake and subject movement can bereduced.• Although higher ISO sensitivity is effective when shooting darker subjects, shooting without theflash, shooting while using the zoom, etc., images may contain noise.Option DescriptionSensitivity is ISO 80 when there is sufficient lighting; the cameraAuto (default setting) corn pensates by raising sensitivity to a maximu m of ISO 1600 whenlighting is dim.Choose the range in which the camera automatically adjusts iSOsensitivity from ISO 80-400 (default setting) and ISO 80-800, TheFixed range auto camera will not increase sensitivity beyond the maximum value inthe selected range. Specify the maximum iSO sensitivity foreffective control over the amount of"grain" that appears in images.Sensitivity is locked at the specified value,80,100,200,400,800,1600,3200 4"The current setting can be confirmed in the monitor when shooting (_9).• When Auto is selected, the _[_) icon is not displayed at ISO 80, but is displayed if the ISOsensitivity automatically increases to more than 80.• When Fixed range auto is selected, _ and the maximum value of ISO sensitivity is 6"displayed._39