12Introduction—Menu Guide(Five levels)MaximumMinimumNoFormat30 s1 m5 m30 mDe (German)En (English)Fr (French)PTPMass StorageYear, Month, Day, hour,minute, order of dis-play for year, month,and dayBrightnessCF Card FormatDateAuto OffLanguageUSBReset AllSET-UPMENU SELECT SETOFFBrightnessAdjust monitor brightness.CF Card FormatFormat memory cards for use in yourcamera.DateSet the time and date.Auto OffSpecify how long the monitor will re-main on before turning off automat-ically to save power.LanguageChoose the language in which cam-era messages and menus are dis-played.USBChoose a transfer protocol for usewhen your camera is connected to acomputer.BRIGHTNESSMENU SELECT SETOFFMENU SELECT SETOFFWARNING !All images willbe deleted !NoFormatCF CARD FORMATDATEMENU SELECT SETOFFBrightnessCF Card FormatDateAuto OffLanguageUSBReset AllAUTO OFFMENU SELECT SETOFFBrightnessCF Card FormatDateAuto OffLanguageUSBReset AllLANGUAGEMENU SELECT SETOFFBrightnessCF Card FormatDateAuto OffLanguageUSBReset AllUSBPTPMass StorageMENU SELECT SETOFF626221–226319–2064(Japanese)Es (Spanish)Reset All ( mode only)Reset camera settings to their defaultvalues.RESET ALLReset all settingsto default valuesNoResetMENU SELECT SETOFF 66NoResetThe Setup Menu / / SceneThe SET-UP menu, which can be accessed from theSHOOTING menu, contains options for camera setup.