iProduct DocumentationThe documentation for this productincludes the manuals listed below.Please be sure to read all instructionsthoroughly to get the most from yourcamera.Quick-Start GuideThe Quick-Start Guide takes youthrough the process of unpackingand setting up your Nikon digitalcamera, taking your first pictures, in-stalling software, and transferringpictures to your computer.Guide to Digital PhotographyThe Guide to Digital Photography(this manual) provides complete op-erating instructions for your camera.Nikon View Reference ManualThe Nikon View Reference Manualcan be found in electronic formaton the reference CD provided withyour camera. For information onviewing the Reference Manual, seethe Quick-Start Guide.Getting to Know the COOLPIX 3500OverviewFirst StepsTaking PicturesReview and DeletionGetting CreativeBeyond Point-and-ShootFine-Tuning Camera SettingsCamera SetupBasic PlaybackThe Playback MenuTechnical NotesIndexMenu Guide