56Taking Pictures—Fine-Tuning Camera SettingsTaking Pictures in a Sequence: ContinuousThe options in the “continuous” menu are usedto take pictures in a continuous sequence. Thiscan be useful when, for example, you are tryingto capture a fleeting expression on a portrait sub-ject, or photograph a subject that is moving un-predictably. With the Multi-Shot 16 option, youcan record movement in a single picture consist-ing of sixteen consecutive frames.CONTINUOUSContinuousMulti-Shot 16SingleMENU SELECT SETOFFFlash, Focus Exposure, and White BalanceAt settings of Continuous and Multi-Shot 16, the flash turns off, and focusdistance, exposure, and auto white balance are determined by the first pic-ture in each series.Option DescriptionCamera takes one picture each time the shutter-re-lease button is pressed all the way down.SingleWhile the shutter-release button is held down, pic-tures are recorded at a rate of about three frames ev-ery two seconds. The camera will continue to takepictures even when the memory buffer ( 29) is full,although the rate at which pictures are recorded willdrop.ContinuousEach time the shutter-release button is pressed, thecamera takes sixteen consecutive “thumbnail” imag-es 512 × 384 pixels in size and combines them into acollage measuring 2,048 × 1,536 pixels. This optionis not available at image sizes ( 52) other than 2048,or when digital zoom ( 47) is in effect.Multi-Shot 16At settings other than Single, the current “con-tinuous” setting is indicated by an icon in the moni-tor.2048 NORMAL