The M-REC MenuPage 112SMENU PA G E 2SHOOTING MENU1ASELECT SETAAMENU O F F12SW HITE BA LANCEAutoW hite Bal PresetFineIncandescentFluorescentC loudySpeedlightA ASETSELECTAAMENU SETMETERINGMatrixCenter-WeightedSpotSpot AF AreaSELECTO F FMENU O F FCONTINUOUSSELECT SETSingleContinuousMulti-shot 16VGA SequenceUltra HSMovieOnOffO F FMENU SETLENSNormalWide AdapterTelephoto 1Telephoto 2Fisheye 1Fisheye 2SELECTO F FMENU SELECT SETAO F FMENUNormalHighLowOffIMAGE SHARPENINGSELECT SETO F FAutoAAAWHITE BALANCESelect white balance inaccordance with lightingconditions (pg. 44)METERINGSelect metering mode(pg. 45)CONTINUOUSSelect shooting mode(pg. 47)BSSTurn best shot selectionon or off (pg. 49)LENSSelect type of optionallens converter (pg. 60)IMAGE ADJUSTMENTAdjust brightness orcontrast, select blackand white photographs(pg. 50)IMAGE SHARPENINGSelect level of imagesharpening to beperformed (pg. 51)MENU O F F12SSHOOTING MENU2SELECT SETSEXPOSURE OPTIONSAE LockAuto BracketingExp +/–FOCUS OPTIONSAF Area ModeAuto Focus ModeFocus ConfirmationDistance UnitsZOOM OPTIONSDigital TeleStartup PositionFixed ApertureSPEEDLIGHT OPT.Variable PowerSpeedlight CntrlRESET ALLNoResetReset all settingsto default values?The M-REC MenuPage 2SPEEDLIGHT OPT.Set flash output; turninternal flash on or off(pg. 58)RESET ALLReset all settings todefault values (pg. 59)USER SETTINGSelect User Setting1/2/3 (pg. 52)SET-UPM-REC Set-up(pg. 74–84)USER SETTINGEXPOSURE OPTIONSTurn AE Lock and AutoBracketing on or off(pg. 53)Set exposure compen-sation (pg. 54)AutoManualOffContinuous AFSingle AFM FOnOffmftZOOM OPTIONSTurn Digital Tele andFixed Aperture on oroff (pg. 56, 57)Last PositionWideTele(pg. 55)(pg. 55)(pg. 56)(pg. 56)(pg. 56)