ICaring for the CameraTo ensure continued enjoymentofthisNikon product, observe the precautionsdescribed below in additiontothewarnings in "For Your Safety"([[)32-35)when using or storing the device.~ DoNotDropThe product may malfunction if subjectedtostrong shock or vibration.~Handle the Lens and All MovingParts with CareDo not apply force to the lens, lens cover,monitor, memory card slot, or batterychamber. These parts are easily damaged.Applying force to the lens cover couldresult in camera malfunction or damage tothe lens. Should the monitor break, careshould be taken to avoid injury caused bybroken glass and to prevent the liquidcrystal from the display touching the skinor entering the eyes or mouth.~KeepDryThe device will be damaged if immersed inwater or subjected to high humidity .• ) Notices~Avoid Sudden Changes inTemperatureSudden changes in temperature, suchaswhen entering or leaving a heatedbuilding on a cold day, can causecondensationtoform inside the device.Toprevent condensation, place the device ina carryingcaseor a plastic bag beforeexposing ittosudden changes intemperature.~Keep away from Strong MagneticFieldsDonotuse or store this device in thevicinityofequipment that generatesstrong electromagnetic radiation ormagnetic fields. Strong static charge or themagnetic fields produced by equipmentsuchasradio transmitters could interferewith the monitor, damage data saved onthe memory card, or affect the product'sinternal circuitry.