96General Camera SetupAuto off Allows you to set the amount of time that passesbefore the monitor turns off to save power. E69Format memory/Format cardAllows you to format the internal memory or thememory card. E70Language Allows you to change the camera’s displaylanguage. E70TV settings Allows you to adjust TV-connection settings. E71Charge bycomputerAllows you to set whether or not the battery in thecamera is charged when the camera is connectedto a computer.E72Toggle Av/TvselectionAllows you to switch the method for setting theflexible program, shutter speed or aperture value. E73Reset filenumberingAllows you to reset the sequential numbering offile numbers when Yes is selected. E73Blink warningAllows you to set whether or not closed eyes aredetected when taking images of people usingface detection.E74Eye-Fi uploadAllows you to set whether or not to enable thefunction for sending images to a computer usinga commercially available Eye-Fi card.E75PeakingAllows you to set whether or not to highlight areasthat are in focus in white on the image displayedin the monitor when operating manual focus.E76Reset all Allows you to reset the camera’s settings to theirdefault values. E76Firmware version View the current camera firmware version. E76Option Description A