Multiple Exposure(User’s Manual: D300S page 184; D300 page 186)Multiple exposure is the process whereby you take more thanone exposure on a single frame, or picture. Most of us willonly do double exposures, which is two exposures on oneframe.Multiple exposure requires you to figure the exposure valuescarefully for each exposure segment so that in the finalpicture, all the combined exposures equal one normalexposure. In other words, if you are going to do a non-maskeddouble exposure, your background will need two exposures athalf the normal exposure value to equal one normal exposure.The D300(S) allows us to figure our own exposure settingsand do them manually, and it gives us Auto gain to help uswith exposure calculations.There are really only three steps to setting up a Multipleexposure session. However, there are six Shooting Menuscreens we’ll use to do these three steps. The steps are asfollows:▪ Select the Number of shots you want to take from theShooting Menu screens.▪ Set Auto gain to either On or Off according to how youwant to control exposure.▪ Take the picture.As mentioned, there are six Shooting Menu screens involvedin setting up the Multiple exposure system (see Figure 3-55).226