returns back to the compensation value you added withthe +/- Exposure compensation button and not to 0.▪ On – This works the same way as Reset On (Autoreset), except that the compensation you’ve dialed indoes not reset but stays in place, even if the meter orcamera is turned off.▪ Off – Only the normal +/- Exposure compensationbutton applies exposure compensation.Note: The granularity of Easy exposure compensation’s EVstep fine-tuning is affected by Custom setting b3’s 1/3, 1/2, or1 step setting. Also, the Command dials used to setcompensation can be swapped in Custom setting f8 (D300S)or Custom setting f7 (D300), which we will consider later inthis chapter.Center-Weighted AreaCustom setting b5 (D300S and D300)(User’s Manual – D300S page 272; D300 page 277)Center-weighted area allows you to control the area on theViewfinder that has the greatest weight in metering a subjectwhen in Center-weighted area metering mode. Years ago ourcameras didn’t have Matrix metering. Back in the good olddays, we all had averaging or partially averaging meters ornone at all.If you prefer not to use Nikon’s built-in database of imagescenes, otherwise know as Matrix metering, and you only useSpot metering as needed, you are most likely using the295