would let me use my thumb to autofocus with the AF-ONbutton while my index finger is on the Shutter-release buttonfiring bursts of images—using the Continuous high (CH)frame rate. I would only autofocus when needed and woulduse depth of field to cover small focus variations. That way, Icould get as many pictures into my camera as possible forlater publication choices.AF Point IlluminationCustom setting a6 (D300S and D300)(User’s Manual – D300S page 266; D300 page 271)AF point illumination helps you see the currently active AFpoints when you first start autofocus. You’ve seen the littlesquares—representing the active AF point or points—in theViewfinder, when they briefly appear in red and then turnblack. Sometimes the Viewfinder is dark, and it might bedifficult to see a black square.If AF point illumination is turned Off, you’ll still have theblack square that represents your selected AF point, but youmay not be able to see it. If you set AF point illumination toAuto or On, the point will flash red when you first startautofocus or move the AF point with the Multi Selector.There are three selections on the AF point illuminationscreen. These affect how the AF points are displayed whenactive.Here’s a list of each selection and a description of theirfunctions:272