~ Irll-IISO .to.u ~ Irll-IISO .to.u0.60.811.52 3 ~f~t1318 m2 3 4 5 7 101520 4060ft0 . 60.811j~1~ 4 691318 m2 345 7 01520304060ft-0-zoo';;:1:t .Jmm -: -=F _M_I MIl: -0-zoo';;:1:UJmm F-: -: ( liB)_'.LI M. ,5 Referring to the distance to the subject, press the SB-24 M• button until the SB-24's distance scale indicates a distancewhich corresponds to the actual focused distance to the subject.Now, the SB-24's LCD (lower right corner) will indicate the levelof flash power needed to provide a flash exposure equal to thedaylight exposure.However, as previously noted, in order to get a good fill-flashratio, the flash exposure should be one to two stops darker thanthe daylight exposure. Therefore, press the M button one or twotimes more. This will adjust the flash to one or two levels lesslight. (i.e. half the power which will reduce the exposure by onef/stop . Pressing it twice moves it to 1/4, which is two stops lessthan full (111) power.)76It is possible to approach this procedure from another point ofview; that is by first adjusting the flash to the desired flashpower setting, then selecting a lens aperture which is one stopsmaller than that indicated by the flash , and then adjusting theshutter control for the correct available-light exposure.Whichever method you use, you will need to make a creativedecision by chOOSing the fill-flash ratio. We hasten to note thatwhile you may wish to use the manual mode, when using theSB-24 with Matrix Balanced Fill-Flash, all of these steps areaccomplished automatically.